Online property auctions a rising trend

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By Jonathan Rubins, Director at Alternative Bridging Corporation

More Buyers Flock to Online Property Auctions

In the ever-evolving world of property investment, one strategy continues to stand tall amidst shifting market tides – property auctions. As the UK housing market experiences turbulence with limited supply but rising demand, online property auctions are maintaining popularity, offering a beacon of opportunity for both seasoned investors and newcomers alike.

online property auction - picturing a hammer on a keyboard

Rising Trends in Property Auctions

Amidst this landscape, auction houses have become bustling hubs attracting an increasing number of buyers seeking residential and commercial properties. Notably, individuals eager to embark on their first journey into property ownership are finding solace in the auction arena.

Record-breaking Results

The surge in popularity is evident in the latest figures recorded by auctioneers. Auction House, a well-known name in the property auction industry, reported strong results for the year 2023. With an 11.3% surge in auction sales, the group saw its revenue hit the highest annual rate in the last decade, marking a significant milestone.

The Appeal of Property Auctions

What draws buyers and sellers alike to property auctions? The answer lies in the certainty and swiftness they offer. In a property investment market where uncertainty looms, auctions provide both parties with a clear path forward. Deals are sealed promptly, eliminating the stress of negotiations dragging on indefinitely or sales falling through at the eleventh hour.

Online property auctions - the picture features a keyboard with a key with the word auction highlighted in blue.

Unlocking Opportunities

One of the primary advantages of engaging in property auctions is the breadth of opportunities they present. Prior to the day of the event, auction houses circulate detailed brochures showcasing available lots. This ensures that potential buyers, including property investors and buy-to-let landlords, are well-informed and ready to make informed decisions.

Ensuring Credibility and Commitment

To maintain the integrity of the auction process, bidders are required to register and demonstrate their financial capability. This ensures that only serious contenders participate, paving the way for smooth transactions. Moreover, the requirement of a significant non-refundable deposit from winning bidders further solidifies their commitment, instilling confidence in vendors.

Swift Completion and Auction Financing Solutions

One of the standout advantages of property auctions is the expedited completion process. Contracts are typically settled within 28 days post-auction, offering unmatched efficiency compared to traditional property sales. However, this rapid turnaround necessitates specialised financing solutions. Bridging finance offers a very popular option, providing short-term loans tailored to the unique requirements of auction purchases.

Capitalising on Auction Opportunities

In the dynamic landscape of UK property investment, seizing auction opportunities requires foresight and financial preparedness. Bridging finance emerges as a lifeline, offering investors the liquidity needed to capitalise on lucrative deals. With quick access to funds, investors can swiftly acquire properties and embark on renovations or rental activities without delay.

The Path Forward

As the allure of property auctions continues to grow, coupled with the availability of tailored financing solutions, 2024 should be a solid year for property investors. The transparency, speed, and competitive nature of auctions offer a robust strategy for portfolio expansion. Investors are therefore urged not to overlook the wealth of opportunities presented by property auctions in their quest for real estate success.

Ripe opportunities for investors

In conclusion, property auctions represent a dynamic arena ripe with opportunities for investors seeking to bolster their portfolios. With the right strategy and appropriate financing, investors can navigate the auction landscape with confidence, securing valuable assets and unlocking the full potential of their property investments.

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