Our short term bridging loans are for purchase, refinance, property improvement or to unlock working capital for business purposes.
This unique overdraft provides you with a flexible drawdown facility giving you instant liquidity and avoids heavy setting-up costs.
Individually structured development loans for residential and commercial projects, with finance available for site purchase, construction and fees, refinance, equity release and to provide working capital. Loans are available up to 90% of the site cost.
Flexible first and second charge non-regulated loans available on terms from 3 to 5 years.
We have a commitment to innovation and with the ever changing financial landscape around us we have designed a range of unique Specialist Lending products that solve a range of property lending needs.
Alternative Overdraft provides cashflow injection for business investment
Alternative Overdraft is a flexible drawdown facility that can be secured as a first or second charge providing a cashflow injection for business investment.
This was the case with an entrepreneurial client we recently worked with who required £580,000. This was to purchase additional artwork for his studio, but also fund the refurbishment of nightclubs he owned in London and Brighton.
The client took an Alternative Overdraft, which was secured as a second charge loan secured on his main residence. This enabled him to release funds as and where they were needed. He only payed interest on the funds that had been drawn down.
Speed. The loan application was processed and completed within three weeks from the initial enquiry.
Flexibility. The client had the freedom to use the funds at his discretion, be it for acquiring artwork or financing the renovation of his nightclubs.
Experience. We worked hard to ensure the absence of an EPC for the property and its remote location did not hold back our ability to provide the client with the funds he needed. We ensure the EPC was obtained quickly and efficiently.
Some funds were used to purchase various pieces of art which would be displayed and then sold at his gallery. The rest was used for the refurbishment of his nightclubs. The facility gave him a cashflow injection with the flexibility to quickly draw down funds whenever he needed them. He could even pay some back as the artwork was sold. With his exit strategy being to re-finance once the nightclub refurbishments had been completed.
The case was processed and completed quickly, even though the property didn’t have a valid EPC. Alternative Bridging worked with the client to ensure this was rectified in a short timeframe and the client’s funds were ready to draw down.
This case shows how the Alternative Overdraft can be used as a second charge to raise funds for business cashflow purposes.
First and second charge short term loans on residential property for purchase or refinance and to release equity or provide working capital.
Residential finance with fewer hoops We provide Residential Bridging Loans that are secured by a first or second charge mortgage on residential investment properties.